L/O: To explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using uses and gratification theory.
The Simpsons Game
Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix
Resident Evil
Spinder man 2
Mortal Kombat
Reason is to make maximum profit from movie and game, familiarity, extends the pleasure of the film or game, the game promotes the film and the film promotes the game.
Uses & Gratifications (U&G)
Blumer and Katz came up with 4 reasons for certain media to be popular over other media:
1. Entertainment, offers a distraction from the world.
2. Personal Identity, helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with.
3. Relationships, we find things that we can share and discuss with others.
4. Information, new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing.
Analysis of the game cover:
The main image is the same style as the movie cover, the title shows the Lego logo and then a custom design for the video game itself that is big, bold, and made out of Lego to appeal to the fans.
The layout has a very simple design, it has a title and logos that are out of the way from the main image, making the main image very recognisable and people will start to remember it. The colours are very saturated and show that it is a very upbeat and happy game. The font is made out of Lego for the title, giving it a very unique look.
The main cover of the game shows many characters from the movie that can represent each part of the target audience for the game, for example there is Emmet for the male children, there is Wyldstyle for the female children that can relate to the strong female character of the movie, and then there is Benny for the adults that will be nostalgic towards that character.
The main characters are very well placed on the poster to make them stand out from the rest of the crowd, this shows their importance to the person viewing, even if they have never seen the movie, especially by changing the colours of the main characters so that they don't look like the others.
The wrench in Emmet's hand shows that he is a builder and is just a normal, working member of society.
It will pleasure the player by letting them experience a different part of the story from their own perspective with their own choices.
The cover represents the film by having a same style poster, with the same characters an d the same story.
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